Kt had a feeling that her boyfriend, Chase, might propose on their vacation, but completely underestimated his creativity and flair for extraordinary presentation. Chase was typically unable to keep surprises under wraps and usually isn’t much of a planner. “I was convinced his proposal would be something along the lines of ‘Oh, by the way, here’s your ring. Is this the one you wanted,” Kt recalls. Kt had no idea that her forever captivating proposal would be not only surprising but delightfully unique. We can’t help but be enchanted as Kt recounts the magical moments leading up to the proposal of her dreams.
“After Chase finished law school, we decided to take a celebratory trip. He obviously needed a vacation after three long years! Our friends Gaby and Cory were able to join us as well. A part of me kept thinking that maybe he was going to propose during the trip, so I prepped my attire with plenty of white. Gaby did a great job convincing me not to expect anything, and Chase acted completely normal!”
“Saturday night rolled around, and we made reservations to eat dinner on the beach with our friends. The food was to die for, and the view was incredible. As usual, Chase looked handsome. I noticed he was more quiet than usual, but I didn’t think anything of it. We were having such a fabulous time, and our friends were taking pictures and videos throughout the entire night!
“Finally, our waiter brought dessert in the form of this huge chocolate sphere. The waiter set syrup on fire to melt my dessert, and I was completely fascinated by the special effects. So, the chocolate melted, and I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen sitting in the middle of my chocolate cake! I immediately looked up, and Chase was standing over me. He extended his hand to grasp mine and brought me to my feet. He began to tell me how much he loves me and how beautiful I am on the inside and out. At this point, I was in tears. He bent to one knee and asked me to marry him! It was the perfect proposal and truly a magical, unforgettable moment. God has blessed me with the perfect man who is kind, respectful, funny, and lovable beyond words.”